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Tomasz Nowak

I am a character and creature animator currently looking for employment.

Showreel: Welcome
Showreel: Featured Work
Tiger Final Animations.mp4
Samurai Main character.mp4
Thor Personal Project.mp4
Samurai Enemy Animations.mp4
Personal Body mechanics.mp4
Personal Acting.mp4
Showreel: Animations

About me

Hi, I'm Tomasz!

I am a recent graduate of the computer animation course at University of South Wales. During my studies there, I focused on creating believable character and creature animation. 

My most recent venture into the creation of video games consisted of creating animations for the main character and some minor enemies in a game created by myself and my friends, The Lost Samurai.

Currently I am working on personal projects to improve my animation skills and increase my chances at getting hired as a gameplay animator.

I hope to become a gameplay animator as I wish to bring life and personality to the characters and creatures the players encounter and make them unforgettable.

My hobbies include playing video games, reading books, watching animated feature work, and writing my own stories.

Showreel: About
Showreel: Contact
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